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Messages - nomad bloodbath

Pages: 1 ... 115 116 [117] 118 119 ... 273
Drug safety / Re: ecstacy + opiates
« on: December 25, 2011, 02:09 pm »
Opiates before psychedelics it not a good idea.
After is a different story.

nomad bloodbath

Rumor mill / Re: Opiate Lovers - LISTEN UP! Yeah, you! Ya NOOBS!
« on: December 25, 2011, 05:26 am »
lol +1

nomad bloodbath

« on: December 25, 2011, 05:15 am »
Sounds dope yo!
that image is whack though. :P

nomad bloodbath

I hope this goes smoothly for you thecloser29.

nomad bloodbath

Rumor mill / Re: SumYunGai for moneypak->BTC
« on: December 25, 2011, 03:41 am »

Off topic / Re: MXE (Methoxetamine) discussion thread.
« on: December 25, 2011, 02:16 am »
I got some of reich MXE and recrystallized it into a wonderfully fluffy MXE powder
Smells much better and way easier on you ROA.

I suggest everyone rehydrate this MXE and air dry it for fluffy powder instead of the little pin crystals that smell of solvents or some weird smell.

nomad bloodbath

Product offers / Re: MR. CranE's RETURN... (Cannabis & Ketamine) :)
« on: December 25, 2011, 02:13 am »
Please PM me when you have K vials.

nomad bloodbath

Rumor mill / Re: SumYunGai for moneypak->BTC
« on: December 25, 2011, 02:08 am »
If SYG doesnt have listings how is he scamming?

Rumor mill / Re: Anyone had bad dealings with SumYunGai??
« on: December 25, 2011, 02:06 am »
New accounts of scamming huh?

Hoilday vacation.

Rumor mill / Re: SR Scam List (Updated regularly)
« on: December 24, 2011, 04:54 pm »
yea i know it could be someone's identity, a friend to this yumyumgay thing, whatever.
this website is all about anarchy and this guy is taking down this whole thing every time he scam somebody.

i think its alright if they found his real identity (or his friend's id), he don't belong here
anyway, as you said, they must stop his seller status till he pay everyone back what he stole.

N.B. i am NOT asking for my bitcoins as much as i' asking him to ANSWER my messages
If you think this website is about anarchy your vision is slightly askewed.
The removal in the name of any vendor or buyer is not for that person in general but to keep the community at peace knowing their identity will not be allowed to be exposed on here.
Exposing identity does nothing but satisfy some disturbed piece of mind of the exposer.

By me choosing to removal all and any names or address it creates a blanket cause that I will not allow this to take place in my part of the forums.

What if you buy from me under an alias vendor account I I expose you in this manner for shits and giggles?
You'd want your private information removed?
As for SYG I have no control over whether his account it directly banned or what happens to it. I can suggest that but if rarely equals a ban.
If you were involved in the SYG debauchery. I suggest to start a petition and have a list from various members that were scammed and submit that list to Silk Road directly.

Furthermore I don't have to explain why I do anything I do in my part of the forum as moderator.
I dont have to explain it because if I did something there was a logical reason I did it, whether you see it that way or not.   

Happy Holidaze
nomad bloodbath

GNU Privacy Assistant
Download copy for you type of operating system and make sure you check the GPA application download.
Find someone to try to use the system with if you want PM me. I help ppl learn to use it biweekly.

nomad bloodbath

As a vendor you have a right not to do business with who you choose.
AAkoven you do real good for your self you could choose to not do business with newb buyers or ones that have been assholes. That's the way buyers decide to buy if they are smart about it.

This goes for any vendor not just AAkoven.
Check out this thread: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=4550.0

nomad bloodbath

Rumor mill / Re: LSDScams
« on: December 24, 2011, 06:36 am »
These currently goes for all drugs sold on silk road not just LSD.

nomad bloodbath

Rumor mill / Re: Recent CFMF SCAM turned me away from SR
« on: December 24, 2011, 06:31 am »
SR Discount pharmacy, CFMF... It's profitable to become a scammer!

So stop finalizing early!


Yes.  Unfortunately, it is even profitable for scammers if you do not finalize early. The normal rule is you both get 50% of the BC back.
But the buyer put 100% in escrow. The scammer still gets 50% at least for awhile.

Doesnt it make since that if Silk Road gets a reasonable about of PMs concerning one vendor or a group of vendors that something will be done that would force the buyers to be correct and the vendor account would get banned?

Stop early finalization's at all cost and buy according to the SR guidelines they were established for a reason.
All early finalization are going to void any recourse from SR.
If you want to play out side the game you are going to have to pay the consequences.
I've been here for 8 months and received 99.9999% of all my orders.

nomad bloodbath

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